277 Main St. Parkhill ON N0M 2K0
(519) 294-0211

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Share Love | Experience God | Grow Together

At Grace Bible Chapel Parkhill everyone matters. We believe everyone has a place, a role and a calling. Because of this, we strive to encourage folks to minister and serve with us. We love to encourage people to discover their true identity and purpose. We’d love to “walk” with folks of different walks of life, cultural backgrounds and spiritual experiences and together, discover ways that our gifts, talents and interests can be matched with opportunities to serve God and our community.

We value everyone who considers themselves part of our GBC family. Both members & friends of GBC are a part of our church family. If you’re wondering, membership doesn’t make people part of our family – commitment does… However, membership does bring a deeper level of responsibility, rights and privileges (like voting & official positions).

We see church membership as much more than a formal/legal requirement. While membership assumes and imparts constitutional
privileges, obligations and responsibilities, the true value of GBC membership is a
covenant relationship between committed followers of Jesus who form and function
as the local visible expression of the body of Christ.

As a covenant, it is a binding commitment to fellowship, prayer and communal
worship. It is a pledge to journey together as we support one another and encourage
each other as a living, breathing expression of Jesus.

Membership is important to us, not simply because it is a voting requirement, or
qualification for certain leadership positions, but because it encourages
commitment, intentionality, accountability and the responsibility of each member.
As a member, we commit to living a life worthy of our calling. We realize we aren’t
perfect, but we are intentional about following the example of Jesus, according to
God’s word and strive to live as a walking, talking witness of God’s grace.

GBC Membership is more than setting a minimum limit on attendance, participation
and/or financial giving. It is a shared agreement on vision, goals and values, and a
mutual pledge to actively participate in God’s mission in our context as we together
serve, love and generously contribute as called and gifted people.