277 Main St. Parkhill ON N0M 2K0
(519) 294-0211


Share Love | Experience God | Grow Together

We appreciate your faithful support of GBC ministries. As part of a faith family, we value and encourage generosity in various ways as we care for one another, pray, volunteer, support financially and together ensure that ministry continues to happen.

There are various ways to financially support GBC. Some drop off envelopes or loose change in our donation box on Sunday mornings, others use Pre-Authorized Payment and/or Interac E-transfers.

For those of you who do online banking, you can send a fund transfer directly to GBC by sending an Interac E-transfer to – give@gbcparkhill.com. We are set up with auto-deposit so you will not be asked to set up a security question and the money will go directly from your account to GBC’s. This is the easiest and most convenient way to give.

Pre-Authorized Payment – payments of a pre-determined amount are withdrawn from your bank account either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. If you are interested in setting this up, please request an authorization form and either email the completed form back to our financial officer or mail it to Grace Bible Chapel Parkhill – 277 Parkhill Main Street, Parkhill Ontario N0M 2K0.

On the 5th Sunday of each month, we take an extra offering to top off our Benevolent Fund (used to help those in need in our community). We take an extra collection to ensure funds go directly to help those in need. You can donate at any time to the Benevolent fund by designating/noting “Benevolent fund” and the desired amount you’d like to donate on your envelopes/e-transfer. All loose cash in the donation box will go straight to Benevolent support.


E-Transfer: “give@gbcparkhill.ca”
Request Envelopes and / or Pre-Authorized Giving – Click Here